211 W. Wacker Drive, Suite 1400, Chicago, IL 60606




Gregory G. Balos

Senior Attorney

Streetwise and book smart, Greg is a product of Rogers Park and the Chicago Public Schools. Greg is a thirty-year litigator who pours his heart and soul into every case. As a retired Cook County Judge stated, "Greg wears his heart on his sleeve. He doesn't leave a penny on the table for his clients." Greg provides every client the personal touch they deserve.

Practice Areas:


  • Illinois, 1991

Honors and Awards:

  • Chicago Lawyer, Jury Verdict Reporter Top Settlements, $10,500,000.00, 2016


  • J.D., IIT-Chicago Kent College of Law, 1991
  • B.A., Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 1988

Current/Past Affiliations or Offices Held:

  • Aldermanic Candidate, City of Chicago, 49th Ward, February, 1999

Relevant Past Employment Positions:

  • Law Offices of Gregory G. Balos, LLC
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